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    • Thursday, December  6, 2012, 8pm

Public Access Design call for new project topics—deadline extended:

Public Access Design call for new project topics—deadline extended:

CUP is seeking new project topics and community partners for Public Access Design, our new series of multimedia organizing tools.

We’re looking for NYC-based community organizations and advocacy groups who are working on a social justice issue that impacts a particular group of constituents and that would benefit from a visual explanation. Potential community partners should be interested in working collaboratively to produce a visual tool. Strong applicants will have firsthand knowledge of the project topic, access to and a relationship with the constituency affected by that topic, and the capacity to participate in regular meetings and provide feedback throughout the process.

Please note that this round of applications is dedicated to project proposals related to Sandy response and recovery efforts.

The deadline for applications is Monday, December 3rd, at 8 pm.
Find out more and apply online here.

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