Stand Clear of the Rising Fares

Urban Investigations

Stand Clear of the Rising Fares

Pass It On!

Making Policy Public

Pass It On!

Seeking Sanctuary

Urban Investigations

Seeking Sanctuary

Sign Up!

Public Access Design

Sign Up!

Education Rights for Families

Technical Assistance

Education Rights for Families

The Wait

Urban Investigations

The Wait

Calling all designers + visual thinkers!

Calling all designers + visual thinkers!

CUP is looking for skilled graphic designers, illustrators, or visual artists who are interested in social justice, demystifying policy, and meaningful collaboration!

There are two opportunities to collaborate with CUP:

Work on a Making Public Policy project
Making Policy Public projects are intensive 8-10 month collaborations with CUP and a community organization that result in a fold-out poster that breaks down and demystifies a complex social justice issue. We’re looking for four individuals or teams with strengths and experience in information organization, typography, and using different visuals including (but not limited to!) illustration or photography. Designers receive an honorarium of $5,000 for their participation. Applications are due by Monday, September 14th at 12pm EST. Click here to learn more!

Be a Public Access Design Fellow
The Public Access Design Fellowship is a yearlong professional development program for emerging designers. Over the course of the year, a cohort of Fellows meet every other month to learn about community-engaged design practices, including relevant topics like CUP’s methodology, anti-oppression practices in design, and community organizing. During these meetings, Fellows have the opportunity to connect with prominent visual designers working in social change, community organizers, and other CUP collaborators. Fellows receive an honorarium of $200 for their participation. Three to four Fellows will also have the opportunity to collaborate with CUP and a community partner to create a visually accessible print tool through the Public Access Design program, and receive an additional honorarium of $3,000. Applications are due by Monday, August 31st at 12pm EST. Learn more here!

Why CUP?

With CUP, designers will learn how to design with and for historically underrepresented communities. CUP collaborations are never just over-the-fence projects. The entire team–CUP, the community organization, and designers–work together to shape the content from start to finish. And the end results have meaningful impacts. CUP projects have contributed to real wins for communities across the city, and reach over 150,000 individuals each year, from immigrants navigating health insurance to tenants holding landlords accountable in housing court. Our list of all-star alumni includes Glen CummingsSilas MunroCandy Chang, Lizania CruzThe Public Society, and Yeju Choi, to name a few. (Get to know more of our stellar design partners here!) CUP projects have also been featured in exhibitions at The Drawing Center, Cooper Hewitt, and more.

Not sure which program is right for you?
Join our upcoming webinar on August 5th at 5pm EST to learn which program is the best fit for you – register here!

Reclaim Your Worker Rights

Making Policy Public

Reclaim Your Worker Rights

Immigrants & NY

Making Policy Public

Immigrants & NY

Get Support in Housing Court

Making Policy Public

Get Support in Housing Court

Talking Trash: Throwing Out the Big Apple

Urban Investigations

Talking Trash: Throwing Out the Big Apple

Share, Where?

Urban Investigations

Share, Where?

Lotto Zone

Urban Investigations

Lotto Zone

Mean Streets

City Studies

Mean Streets

Lunchroom Digest

City Studies

Lunchroom Digest