The Internet is Serious Business

Urban Investigations

The Internet is Serious Business

Up Closed and Personal

Urban Investigations

Up Closed and Personal

Snack Attack

City Studies

Snack Attack

Engage to Change

Technical Assistance

Engage to Change

Record It. Report It!

Public Access Design

Record It. Report It!

Break it Down!

Making Policy Public

Break it Down!

We demand policy change

We demand policy change

We stand with the fight against anti-Black racism.

Through our work we are particularly aware of the ways policies and laws have consistently been used to craft and uphold the systems of racial oppression. We encourage those joining the fight to hold our elected officials accountable and to demand policies that respect and uphold Black lives in policing, in COVID-19 response, in housing, in labor rights, in environmental protections, and everywhere.

In New York, you can start by asking for a city budget that prioritizes community health and safety over policing, and by fighting for the repeal of 50A, the law that protects police misconduct.

Until we can change those policies, here are resources for organizers and protesters to navigate the current systems:

1. Learn how to safely record police and ICE activities (in English & Español)

2. For those who’ve been arrested or received a desk appearance ticket (DAT) for protesting:
• Understand your bail options and rights in English and en Español
• Understand what a desk appearance ticket (DAT) is and what to do if you get one in English and en Español

    3. And to make sure we can elect representatives who value Black lives:
    • Register to vote
    • Fill out the Census 

      Is Your Landlord Using Construction to Harass You?

      Technical Assistance

      Is Your Landlord Using Construction to Harass You?

      What Up With DAT?

      Technical Assistance

      Bail's Set... What's Next?

      Public Access Design

      Bail's Set... What's Next?

      From Cellblock to Your Block

      Urban Investigations

      From Cellblock to Your Block

      Rumbo A Su Tarjeta Verde

      Public Access Design

      Work Forced

      Public Access Design

      Work Forced

      The Cargo Chain

      Making Policy Public

      The Cargo Chain

      Rent Regulation Rights

      Making Policy Public

      Rent Regulation Rights