In rapidly changing neighborhoods, like South Williamsburg, low-income families struggle to stay in their affordable homes. When a leaseholder passes away or moves out, remaining family members are left vulnerable to harassment and eviction. Succession rights allow families in rent-stabilized, rent-controlled, and Mitchell-Lama apartments to pass on their homes by proving their family relationship and that the apartment is their home. But preparing for succession requires families to gather detailed documentation for months beforehand. It’s a complicated process and can take a very long time.
To help families claim their succession rights, CUP worked with Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A (“Brooklyn A”) and design team Everyday We to create Pass It On! — a colorful step-by-step guide to the succession process in both English and Spanish. Pass It On! helps families understand the rights that allow them to keep living in their home, and helps them assert these rights during the succession process for Mitchell-Lama, rent-stabilized, and rent-controlled apartments. It also helps families figure out the best time to get the help of a lawyer.
Pass It On! launched at a series of workshops and outreach events organized by Brooklyn A in South Williamsburg for Fair Housing Month in April 2016. Thousands of copies of the poster are also being distributed throughout New York City through Brooklyn A’s network of partner organizations.