Money. We use it every day. But how much does it really cost? And does everyone pay the same price? $ Breakdown was produced by students in the College Now program at Brooklyn College in collaboration with CUP.
In 2010, the crew set out to investigate the cost of money. From interviewing folks at banks, check cashing places, pawn shops, and credit unions, they learned what’s scary and what’s confusing about money; who’s borrowing it; who’s paying the most for it; and why.
Together the crew created a website with a series of short animations and videos that serve as introductions to some of the differences between mainstream banks and “fringe” banking institutions. The videos debuted in 2011 in a former bank vault on Wall Street. Watch them here.
The videos help make these complex concepts more accessible and make a great financial literacy tutorial. If you’re interested in using the videos in your classroom or organization email us at info (at)