Language Rights are Civil Rights!

Public Access Design

Language Rights are Civil Rights!

Who Benefits from Community Benefit Agreements?

Urban Investigations

Who Benefits from Community Benefit Agreements?

Keep Your Family's Home

Public Access Design

Keep Your Family's Home

Bail's Set... What's Next?

Public Access Design

Bail's Set... What's Next?

What is asylum?

Making Policy Public

What is asylum?

If You Can Make It Here...

Urban Investigations

If You Can Make It Here...
    • Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 7:30pm
    • Hostos Community College
      450 Grand Concourse, 3rd Floor
      2/4/5 to 149th Street Grand Concourse

Who Benefits from Community Benefit Agreements?

Who Benefits from Community Benefit Agreements?

Fall may be just around the corner, but let’s take it back to the summer of 2010 when 15 high school students came together to tackle a subject that baffles even the most seasoned experts: Community Benefit Agreements, a.k.a …CBAs.
Are CBAs the best way to negotiate between megaproject developers and potentially affected communities? And who benefits, anyway? Students from the College Now program at Hostos Community College looked for answers in their backyard – the Bronx’s Kingsbridge Armory. Along with CUP Teaching Artist Hatuey Ramos-Fermin, and Teaching Assistant Prudence Katze, the students went on site visits and interviewed city officials, lawyers, and community leaders. Many brainstorms and design charrettes later, they bring you a tasty and informative poster that breaks down the Kingsbridge Armory’s CBA process and presents the experts’ hopes and dreams for the future of CBAs.

On September 14 CUP hosted an evening of exploration, refreshments, and celebration. Attendees saw student presentations, a discussion among CBA experts, and quality comments and questions from the audience. All attendees got a poster.

Keep Your Family's Home

Public Access Design

Keep Your Family's Home

Stand Up to Clean Up!

Public Access Design

Stand Up to Clean Up!

Ready, Set, Apply!

Technical Assistance

Ready, Set, Apply!

$ Breakdown

Urban Investigations

$ Breakdown

¡El poder de prepararse!

Public Access Design

¡El poder de prepararse!

Our Values, Our Voice, Our Vote

Making Policy Public

Our Values, Our Voice, Our Vote

We Own It

Making Policy Public

We Own It

Record It. Report It!

Public Access Design

Record It. Report It!