Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotels provide low-income San Franciscans affordable housing options in neighborhoods where rents are skyrocketing. But SRO tenants don’t always know their rights and are sometimes afraid to demand them. In neighborhoods like the Mission, landlords eager to cash in on increasing property values often pressure SRO tenants to move out and harass them to make it difficult for them to stay.
Based on CUP’s award-winning Rent Regulation Rights poster, Rent Regulation Rights – San Francisco Edition is a collaboration of CUP, San Francisco-based Mission SRO Collaborative (a coalition of five local organizations working on housing issues), and designers IntraCollaborative. The team produced this Spanish and English version of the poster to help SRO tenants in San Francisco understand their rights and the laws that protect them. The poster provides information on how to challenge harassment and other illegal practices and how SRO tenants can organize collectively to be able to stay in their homes affordably.
Mission SRO Collaborative launched the publication in February 2015. This is CUP’s first project in San Francisco!
Get your own copy here!