A Fair Chance

Making Policy Public

A Fair Chance

Mean Streets

City Studies

Mean Streets

Rent Regulation Rights - San Francisco Edition

Making Policy Public

Rent Regulation Rights - San Francisco Edition

Break it Down!

Making Policy Public

Break it Down!

Is Justice For All?

City Studies

Is Justice For All?

Immigrants & NY

Making Policy Public

Immigrants & NY
    • Wednesday, February  8, 2017, 4:43pm

Meet the 2017 Public Access Design Fellows

Meet the 2017 _Public Access Design_ Fellows

CUP is excited to announce the 2017 Public Access Design Fellows. 
The incoming group of designers and artists will work with CUP over the coming year, and learn about our participatory design  methods. Several of the fellows will also get to collaborate with CUP and our advocacy partners to create visual explanations of complicated social justice issues.

The 2017 Public Access Design Fellows are:

Miles Barretto

Tanya Bhandari

Jade Broomfield

Leah Garlock

Sean Kuhnke

Teresa Miro

Kristen Myers

Kyle Richardson

Judith Siegel

This year’s jury had many great applicants to look through. We would like to thank Alyssa Aguilera of VOCAL-NY, John Kudos of Kudos Design Collaboratory, Karen Maxim of The Bronx Defenders, and designer Silas Munro for their service. We would especially like to thank all the great designers, animators, and visual thinkers who applied! 

Learn more about Public Access Design here and meet the new group of fellows here

Engage to Change

Technical Assistance

Engage to Change

Blunt Conversations

Urban Investigations

Blunt Conversations

Rumbo A Su Tarjeta Verde

Public Access Design

Your Guide to Welfare in NYC

Making Policy Public

Your Guide to Welfare in NYC

The Good, Bad, & Unknown

Urban Investigations

The Good, Bad, & Unknown

Field Guide to Federalism

City Studies

Field Guide to Federalism

Tenants' Rights to Repairs

Making Policy Public

Tenants' Rights to Repairs

Rumbo A Su Tarjeta Verde

Public Access Design

Rumbo A Su Tarjeta Verde