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Rent Regulation Rights

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Rent Regulation Rights

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Planning for your children's future

Immigrants & NY

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Immigrants & NY

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Rent Regulation Rights

Making Policy Public

Rent Regulation Rights
    • Thursday, September 18, 2014, 1:54pm

CUP receives 50 Books/50 Covers award

CUP receives 50 Books/50 Covers award

CUP is excited to announce that our illustrated guidebook, What Is Zoning?, received a 50 Books award from Design Observer. The book was a collaboration of CUP and designers Jeff Lai and Andrew Sloat.

Check out this year’s winners here

Get your own copy of the award-winning book here!

From Shelter to Apartment

Making Policy Public

From Shelter to Apartment

Shine a Light on Your Utility Rights

Making Policy Public

Shine a Light on Your Utility Rights

Puff Puff Passed

Urban Investigations

Puff Puff Passed

Displaced From This Place?

Urban Investigations

Displaced From This Place?

Prison Profits: Who Pays The Price

City Studies

Prison Profits: Who Pays The Price

Care Aware

City Studies

Care Aware

Know Your Lines

Making Policy Public

Know Your Lines

Our Voice, Our Choice

Urban Investigations

Our Voice, Our Choice