Field Guide to Federalism

City Studies

Field Guide to Federalism

Show Me the Money!

City Studies

Show Me the Money!

Soak It Up!

City Studies

Soak It Up!

Rent Regulation Rights

Making Policy Public

Rent Regulation Rights

Welcome to Health Care!

Making Policy Public

Welcome to Health Care!


Public Access Design


PSA on fighting landlord harrassment

PSA on fighting landlord harrassment

Landlords resorting to harassment and other tactics to push out long-term or low-income tenants is nothing new in New York City. But now, it’s illegal. We just launched a PSA to help tenants understand their rights under this new program.

Created in collaboration with CUP, the Coalition Against Tenant Harassment, designer Alayna Citrin, and FYEye, this digital PSA is on kiosks across the city to help tenants understand their new rights under this program and learn how to take action!

Check out the full guide to the Certificate of No Harrassment program here!

Spotted a PSA? Let us know on Twitter and Instagram at @we_are_cup!

A Fair Chance

Making Policy Public

A Fair Chance

Don't Get Iced

Public Access Design

Don't Get Iced

Innocent Until Proven Risky

Making Policy Public

Innocent Until Proven Risky

Your School, Your Choice!

Making Policy Public

Your School, Your Choice!

Are You Ready for a Ruckus?

Urban Investigations

Are You Ready for a Ruckus?


Public Access Design


Step Right Up

City Studies

Step Right Up

Share, Where?

Urban Investigations

Share, Where?