Care Aware

City Studies

Care Aware

Innocent Until Proven Risky

Making Policy Public

Innocent Until Proven Risky

Innocent Until Proven Risky

Making Policy Public

Innocent Until Proven Risky

Zoning It In...

Urban Investigations

Zoning It In...

Engage to Change

Technical Assistance

Engage to Change
    • Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 12:26pm

Support student civic engagement in the age of Trump!

Support student civic engagement in the age of Trump!

What does civic engagement look like for youth today? How can students have an impact in the age of Trump?

CUP’s Urban Investigations educational programs have always given high school students the tools to ask tough questions about important issues and hold decision-makers accountable. These skills are even more critical today—and in the next year, our students will use them to find their own voice and path to meaningful civic engagement in an increasingly hostile political climate. To help make these programs possible, we need your support. Click here to make your contribution!

With your support, CUP will lead five Urban Investigations over the next year, allowing 75 students to explore complex topics, understand their impacts, and identify where they can have a voice in decision-making in their communities. Join them in tackling issues from immigrant rights to climate change to racial justice to LGBT rights!

These issues hit close to home for many of our students, many of whom are from low-income communities of color, and many of whom are recent immigrants. The programs you support will give them productive and meaningful ways to engage in understanding and navigating the systems that effect their communities.

Our first project kicks off in less than two weeks with court involved youth in Red Hook. We need your support today – click here to make your contribution!

Space Jam

Urban Investigations

Space Jam

Parents' Rights During COVID-19

Technical Assistance

Parents' Rights During COVID-19

Record It. Report It!

Public Access Design

Record It. Report It!

En El Campo De Los Impuestos

Making Policy Public

En El Campo De Los Impuestos

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Public Access Design

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