Es Tu Dinero, Decides Tú

Making Policy Public

Es Tu Dinero, Decides Tú

New School on the Block

City Studies

New School on the Block

Who Makes Bail?

Urban Investigations

Who Makes Bail?

Share, Where?

Urban Investigations

Share, Where?

Get Money

City Studies

Get Money

Ready, Set, Apply!

Technical Assistance

Ready, Set, Apply!
    • Tuesday, June  7, 2016, 7pm

There’s No Business Like Small Business launch

_There's No Business Like Small Business_ launch

Many people feel that small businesses contribute to the unique character of New York City, but what happens when more and more businesses are closing?

In our latest Urban InvestigationCUP and Teaching Artist Sam Holleran tackled this question with a group of high school students from the School for Legal Studies in Williamsburg. The students created a poster called There’s No Business Like Small Business to share what they found.

Join us for the debut of their project at UnionDocs, where students will present the poster and discuss their creative process.

Tuesday, June 7th, 7 pm 
UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art
322 Union Avenue
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
L train to Lorimer Street or G train to Metropolitan Avenue

Free and open to the public. 
RSVP here by Friday, June 3rd at 5 pm to reserve your spot.

Know Your Lines

Making Policy Public

Know Your Lines

Trouble With Your Water Bill?

Public Access Design

Trouble With Your Water Bill?

Education Rights for Families

Technical Assistance

Education Rights for Families

I Heart East New York

Urban Investigations

I Heart East New York

The Wait

Urban Investigations

The Wait

Show Up

Public Access Design

Show Up

Bail's Set... What's Next?

Public Access Design

Bail's Set... What's Next?

Social Security Risk Machine

Making Policy Public

Social Security Risk Machine