Not on Our Watch!

Making Policy Public

Not on Our Watch!

Don't Trash NYC!

Public Access Design

Don't Trash NYC!

Pass It On!

Making Policy Public

Pass It On!

The Good, Bad, & Unknown

Urban Investigations

The Good, Bad, & Unknown

What Do Incarcerated Parents Need to Know About ACS?

Technical Assistance

What Do Incarcerated Parents Need to Know About ACS?

Break it Down!

Making Policy Public

Break it Down!

Print 劃區是什麼?

The Chinese version of CUP’s Zoning Guidebook. This guidebook uses simple diagrams to show you how zoning works in NYC. It takes you through use zoning, size and shape zoning (including Floor Area Ratio), and how proposed rezonings could affect neighborhoods. It also includes a collection of community protections that could be advocated for during a community-led rezoning, and the book fits in your pocket, so you can be sure to have it with you at your next planning commision meeting.

The English language guidebook is also included with the Zoning Toolkit. You can get your English language copy here.

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    Urban Investigations

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    Urban Investigations

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    Predatory Equity

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