We Own It

Making Policy Public

We Own It

Trouble With Your Water Bill?

Public Access Design

Trouble With Your Water Bill?

Don't Bank On It

Making Policy Public

Don't Bank On It

It's Not Just in Our Heads

Urban Investigations

It's Not Just in Our Heads

Prison Profits: Who Pays The Price

City Studies

Prison Profits: Who Pays The Price

Stand Clear of the Rising Fares

Urban Investigations

Stand Clear of the Rising Fares



Monday, March 23, 2015 11:38AM

Public housing residents and advocates, from groups like Community Voices Heard and Real Affordability for All, showed up in large numbers in Albany, N.Y. on Monday, March 16th, 2015. The groups rallied, using our We Are Public Housing poster as a call to action, ... more


As part of a new feature on CUP collaborators, we asked Jonathan Jackson and Sarah Nelson Jackson from WeShouldDoItAll, a New York City-based design team, to tell us a little bit more about themselves and their thoughts on working on a CUP project.


CUP’s Executive Director, Christine Gaspar, is part of Design for Equity, a group of design and social justice leaders that are promoting a focus on equity in the field of public interest design. Over the next few weeks, the group will be contributing a series of ... more


CUP is pleased to announce our Making Policy Public collaborations for 2015! We will work with four groups of inspiring designers and advocates to break down complex policy issues so that more people can be involved in the decision-making impacting their ... more


Friday, December 19, 2014 2:02PM

Help foster more meaningful civic engagement by making a contribution today! Click here.


Thursday, November 20, 2014 1:36PM

CUP is a partner in the project, Curb Your Litter: Greenpoint, that is a finalist to receive funding support from the Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund. Want to see a CUP youth education project about garbage infrastructure in Greenpoint?


Tuesday, October 28, 2014 12:51PM

Last year, Pittsburgh’s Urban Redevelopment Authority asked CUP to show them how they could create their own version of our Urban Investigations program. This year, they launched Urban Matters with their first project in which local high school students ... more

news, award

Thursday, September 18, 2014 1:54PM

CUP is excited to announce that our illustrated guidebook, What Is Zoning?, received a 50 Books award from Design Observer. The book was a collaboration of CUP and designers Jeff Lai and Andrew Sloat.

news, award

We’re excited and honored to announce that CUP received a Sappi Ideas that Matter grant! This support will help us create a Rent Regulation Rights Spanish-language poster and an accompanying citywide subway campaign. Look for the poster on ... more


Wednesday, August 27, 2014 11:56AM

CUP’s Executive Director was asked what public interest design will look like in 2024 as one of 18 design practitioners by the folks at Impact Design Hub.  Christine spoke on the issues of colonialism, demographic make-up, and individualistic nature still visible ... more


Thursday, July 17, 2014 4:04PM

CUP is excited to announce the 2014-2015 Public Access Design Fellows. The incoming group of designers and artists will work with CUP over the coming year, and learn about our participatory design  methods. Several of the fellows will also ... more

news, award

CUP is excited and honored to announce that our work received two nods from the 2014 Core77 Design Awards!

Not on Our Watch!

Making Policy Public

Not on Our Watch!

Stand Clear of the Rising Fares

Urban Investigations

Stand Clear of the Rising Fares

What Is Zoning?

Envisioning Development

What Is Zoning?

Show Up

Public Access Design

Show Up

It's Not Just Personal

Making Policy Public

It's Not Just Personal

The Deciders

City Studies

The Deciders

Predatory Equity

Making Policy Public

Predatory Equity

Rent Regulation Rights

Making Policy Public

Rent Regulation Rights