Level Up

City Studies

Level Up

Pass It On!

Making Policy Public

Pass It On!

Welcome to Health Care!

Making Policy Public

Welcome to Health Care!

Snack Attack

City Studies

Snack Attack

Test Ride

City Studies

Test Ride

Common Cents

City Studies

Common Cents

Print Is College For Me?

Deciding to pursue higher education can be a difficult choice for anyone, particularly for people who have been involved with the criminal justice system. However, it’s increasingly important that everyone has the same access to education because it can help transform people’s lives, especially after they’ve been away, by helping them reenter their communities. Incarcerated and recently incarcerated folks have options to higher education but the process can be uninviting and complicated–with very few resources explaining it and a lot of misinformation.

CUP collaborated with the Prisoner Reentry Institute and designer Miles Barretto to create Is College For Me?, a pocket-sized foldout that demystifies and breaks down the process of enrolling in college. The colorful foldout explains the various types of degrees, types of schools, and resources. It also breaks down, via two sections, the steps one can take both while in still in prison and after coming home.

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Making Policy Public

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Participatory Budgeting

Technical Assistance

Participatory Budgeting

Immigrants & NY

Making Policy Public

Immigrants & NY

Is Your Landlord Using Construction to Harass You?

Technical Assistance

Is Your Landlord Using Construction to Harass You?

Is Suspension The Solution?

City Studies

Is Suspension The Solution?

Block Party

City Studies

Block Party

Don't Get Iced

Public Access Design

Don't Get Iced

Now Boarding

Urban Investigations

Now Boarding